This course is
Nowadays sushi is very famous and popular around the world. But do you know there are many kinds of sushi in Japan? People often translate sushi (or sashimi) as “raw fish,” but there are many other ingredients to sushi dishes, and some do not even include raw fish.
You can choose one sushi dish from 4 options: temari-zushi, maki-zushi, chirashi-zushi or kazari-inari-zushi, and learn how to make it. I will show you some special techniques to make it tastier at home. You will be able to make delicious sushi after you go back to your home country.
This course takes about 3 hours, including…
- Cooking sushi rice
- Preparing the other sushi ingredients
- Putting the rice and other ingredients together to create a beautiful sushi dish
- Making “dashi” soup stock and miso soup
- Tasting the cooked food
You do not have to clean up and wash up.
Choose one sushi dish from…
Making sushi rice and shaping it into little balls by hand, using some fresh fish and eggs, along with the Japanese herb “shiso” (a green leaf sometimes called ‘beefsteak’ plant in English for some reason).
Making sushi rice and rolling it with fresh fish, eggs and vegetables.
Making sushi rice and cooking some vegetables and omlette slices as decoration for the rice.
4.Kazari inari-zushi
Making sushi rice, cooking fried tofu, egg and vegetables, shaping inari-zushi and decorate it.
Miso soup
Making traditional “dashi” soup stock with bonito and kelp to make miso soup.
Price: \6,000/person